Find a relative buried in Bampton or a relative born in Bampton in 1851 approximately

  1. Oxfordshire County Council (0CC) - Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages, on + 44 1865 792422 to check to date of burial.

  2. Email clerk@bamptonoxon-parishcouncil.gov.uk with the details so the records for the Bampton cemetery can be checked

Dog fouling - West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) -  01993 861000

Find any living relatives in Bampton - clerk@bamptonoxon-parishcouncil.gov.uk

Hugh de Singleton 'trail'

Potholes - fixmystreet.com or OCC fixmystreet.oxfordshire.gov.uk

Litter - WODC 01993 861000. Litter

Fly tipping - WODC https://community.westoxon.gov.uk/s/fly-tip

Millennium/Shill Brook Woods - vandalism - The Woodland Trust
03437 705913  or 0330 333 3300 - www.woodlandtrust.org.uk - DarrenOxley@woodlandtrust.org.uk

Broken street light - fixmystreet.com or the OCC site fixmystreet.oxfordshire.gov.uk

Muddy footpath -  fixmystreet.com or the OCC site fixmystreet.oxfordshire.gov.uk

Overgrown hedge
Contact the hedge owner and ask them to cut it back
OCC  fixmystreet.com or the OCC site fixmystreet.oxfordshire.gov.uk

Downton Abbey locations in Bampton
A stroll down Bampton's Church View (which can be reached from the Market Square by crossing to the Chinese Take Away and walking down Rosemary Lane) will take you past the village pub (a private house), the Post Office (a private house), the hospital (the Old Grammar School but currently the Library where you can buy mementos of the series), Mrs Crawley's house which sits in the 'Village Green' in front of the Church (Churchgate House by the Church gates) and of course the Church. New - look out for the green doors and cottages in Church Street that house Mosely and his father.

Links and telephone numbers are given above

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